Monday, October 12, 2009

Healthy Eating - Don't Leave the Deck Without a Dinner!

I recently wrote that the youngest child was the Ark Royal. Well it has survived - and especially the Ark Royal survived him! It was a bit "annoyed that, on leaving the ship to Liverpool crew set up tables and chairs for a party. The younger son felt about missing a game and after five days at sea he thought he could finally eat again . I said the event was probably a reception for the big boys of Liverpool and was never intended for a group of by-now-much-cadets whiffy Tues. I agreed, however. How disappointing to see a potential match to prepare and I know that is not intended for you. What is the way many of us feel when we go out with friends or eat in public. People who are overweight often feel guilty when they have to eat in public. In particular If you are an older person (or feel) that you can feel that everyone is looking at the food dish. They also feel obliged to comment - Oh, do not eat, right? "and" can have on your diet? or, as you look at the calorific puddings, "Go, do not do evil." People who fall into one of these categories: a) I am naturally thin and very proud of being able to eat whatever they like. B) I am aware of your body shape and secretly happy that are bigger than them. C) I understand the shape of your body and secretly annoyed that are beginning to take care of their food intake when they are not. d) are sociopaths who will do anything to undermine you. Moral of the story? "This speech has to do with them, not for you, so ignore them. When you choose to eat, eat to nourish the body not theirs. When you choose to eat healthy foods you choose for the most well, not them. When you choose to eat less healthy foods that make a conscious choice for you (to eat unconsciously into the habit of healthy living) at that time. If you make conscious food choices and enjoy the food we eat, which is a better strategy not invite to the party. Eat nothing in comparison with others or play with a plate of lettuce in an effort to seek "healthy" just make you go home feeling deprived. Aperitifs and then is easy to justify a lot of night '' or a bath with all the comforts of frozen foods: not abandon ship feeling that you are losing - consciously eat, eat and enjoy.

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