Friday, November 20, 2009

Does your pharmaceutical product appeal to the doctors or to the patients?

Pharmaceutical brand owners should consider three major groups in their marketing strategies: doctors, health care payers and consumers. Depends on who makes the purchasing decision, the mark must be directed to the appropriate group members. The approach will be different when it comes to prescription or non prescription drugs and others that there are different situations in different countries. In many European countries for example chemicals, still act as consultants to the public when they buy prescription drugs without the fight against childhood diseases complaints.Thus and specific skills are required to deliver the consistent brand across the world of a particular drug . Even the most sophisticated societies, the most critical process is left to chance, the whim of a marketing director or patent attorney. After the creation of the brand is the basis of brand positioning and brand essence of persectives different, you should consult an expert in this field: the Namedesigner. The theory provides scientific designation and terminology methodoloy healthy and effective way to establish a memorable brand identity and convincing evidence, that can withstand the test of time, lifestyle and cross cultural boundaries, and result in a lasting success. Imbue their products with brands that create emotional empathy for the customer can decide whether a product feels good and is suitable for the particular purpose. Ultimately the function of a trademark is also increasing demand. The meanings that pharmaceutical brands are the main activity must be handled carefully and can be classified according to the archetypes oriented objectives. For example, the archetypes, as žcreator โ € "โ € žexplorer or" should be transmitted if doctors decide which drug and therefore can be considered as the main objective of the requirement () in drug trafficking, while the archetypes as žcaregiver โ € "or žsage โ €" are more appropriate for consumers trademark style. For the general practitioner, the corporate brand name is synonymous with a certain reputation, commitment to R & D, quality control and availability, while the patient the name of the product plays an important role in terms of effectiveness and the conditions for better health. The archetypes are important because they provide the missing link between the motivation of customers and sales experience, intangible product, causing a feeling expressed by the name and some visual attributes. The archetypal significance of a product usually becomes merely instrumental, evoking an image or a concept that evokes the recognition of certain basic instincts of the client, acknowledging the truth inherent in it, almost as if it were a ritual object. It must address the timeless and universal human needs, to ensure the successful brands and psychologically manageable. Business communication in its various concrete forms of expression has become a kind of applied art that profoundly influences our culture and art that requires skills and language. It requires an understanding of the values of the products promoted and cultural environment in which they are sold. The Namedesigner offers consulting and branding, in particular, adapted to the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. Date of Birth: May 16, 1952 Place of birth: Gmunden, Austria Nationality: Austria 1971-1977 รค Universit t Salzburg - Liverpool Polytechnic studies Lanquage 1979-1980: Library and Information Studies from 1980 to 2002 research terminology : CIPO Trademark Agent, the designer of Trade Name of the Author of numerous scientific articles in the field of terminology, education, international cooperation, information and knowledge management.

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