Saturday, November 28, 2009

Martin Sixsmith to deliver conference and workshop at the PR Showcase

Martin Sixsmith to deliver lectures and workshops at the Exhibition of PR writer, presenter and journalist Martin Sixsmith to deliver lessons โ € ~ spin session "Showcase 2003 Conference in PR August 29, 2003 - Writer, presenter and journalist Martin Sixsmith will be delivering a session of the Conference the government's relationship with the public at the Exhibition PR 2003. Sixsmith oeli lectured โ €, spies and Old School Ties โ €, with David Bickford, a former adviser to MI5 and MI6 to PR, Public Relations Investor Relations Affair and delegates on the first day [Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003 Showcase of PR. From 1980-97, he was in Moscow Sixsmith and Washington correspondent for BBC Newsnight and the producer. From 1997-02, he served as Director of Communications and Press Secretary to Harriet Harman, Alistair Darling and Stephen Byers. Martin Sixsmith, comments: "Spin" today's hot potato , and Tony and Alastair have often burnt their fingers on it. Showcase at the PR, I'll be watching the titanic battle between two of my previous employers, the BBC and the government, and try to explain why Number Ten have failed to learn from the mistakes of so many. " Richard Weston, Managing Director of Evensis, the company organizes public relations events Showcase 2003 comments โ € œWe have great speakers mounted to delegates over two days of events that have a wealth of knowledge to share. There are a number of conferences and workshops to meet the needs of everyone, including traditional and digital PR issued by all and respected expert speakers. โ € For more information on this visit session. html. Ends This news release is available in PDF, plain text and Word format. For more information about this session and the rest, visit The spokesperson for the media to the PR Showcase is Richard Weston, Managing Director of Evensis. About Martin Sixsmith โ € "The writer, presenter and journalist Martin speaks fluent French and Russian, after Oxford, Harvard, Sarobourne and education in Leningrad. From 1980-97, was in Moscow and Washington correspondent for BBC Newsnight and producers. From 1997-02, he served as Director of Communications and Press Secretary to Harriet Harman, Alistair Darling and Stephen Byers. Now is a writer, presenter and journalist. About PR Showcase: http://www. The fourth PR Showcase held in London on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday, September 24th, 2003. This is a unique combination conferences, workshops, exhibitions and networking opportunities bringing together professionals from both sides of the field agency โ € "and at home. PR Showcase The program was organized with the help of Leeds Business School PR Studies Center and is presented in association with PR Week http:// www. London Club publicity and support from your business partner web analytics surveillance WebtraffIQ http://. Evensis Contact: Contact: Joanna Robinson limited Evensis Columbus Quay, Riverside Drive, Liverpool, L3 4DB Tel: 0151 726 9002, Fax: 0151 726 8228 E-mail: mailto:, Site Web: Elemental PR: Contact: Tim Gibbon, Elemental PR Account Director, e-mail: mailto: Direct Phone: +44 [020 8586 5767, Mobile: + 44 [07930 375663, Fax: +44 [0870 1308135, website: Address: 7 Goodge Place, London, W1T 4SF, UK

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